Thanksgiving, Sinterklaas, And…Covid

We have reached the 4 months mark and here in Maastricht the holidays are in full force. Starting in October you can see lights and decorations popping up around the city. It may seem early, but in Dutch traditions, there is no Thanksgiving, Sinterklaus arrives to the Netherlands in mid-late November (visiting several cities), and Sinterklaus gift-giving day is usually celebrated December 5th/6th. 

Avilés, Spain

In 2019, Josh and I qualified for Duathlon Age Group World Championships, which was cancelled twice before being rescheduled this past weekend in Spain. We took the kids and Aunti Melissa and went to see what we could do!

Italy, Part 1: Rome

Many of our trips have been spontaneous but this trip has been planned for months. Matt (Josh’s brother) and Tomi (Matt’s girlfriend) were the first people to say “we’re coming to visit!” and we picked a place (Italy) and time (the boys’ fall break) to make it happen. We visited Rome and Tuscany within a week!